Last updated 30th July 2014
This page is currently only used as a source for various Amateur Radio programs that I have developed. It is also a serious contender for the least interesting home page on the net.
WE HAVE A MAILING LIST - please join, and use it for any discussion you want, but especially related to the
contest program!
The list is on YahooGroups, and is
To subscribe to this send a blank email to and reply to the email you will receive to confirm the subscription.
Minos is now open source
and can be found at
This means I REALLY need some help. I don't have a lot of spare time, and a lot of the things below just won't happen without help.
Not just programming though - among the things needed are:
- graphics - in particular icon design. I like the panda icon, but that is its only relevance! We could do with a collection of icons for the various programs in the suite.
- a user manual, or at least SOME user documentation. Berlios gives us a Wiki, so that could be the way to start this.
- a help file would be useful as well. It may be possible to make the wiki into the helpfile (issue a snapshot with the program, with the program providing links into it)
- testing. I know you all do some of this in practice, but people who will actively look for bugs are needed.
- and of course if anyone wants to help with the programming side, they will be most welcome.
G0GJV VHF Contest Logging System - V2005.1.1 - Current version
G0GJV Logging Program current bug list
Steve Tenchy G1YBB has produced an add-on, giving "best bearings" from the draft print file. This is a 32 bit Windows program, and you can get it from Steve's Amateur Radio pages at:
Other Contest Logging Programs
The Bracknell club home page is at
The VHFCC home page is currently at